Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What a Surprise!

Fort Worth Girls - Kristen, Laura, me, Cassie and Tricia

A couple of weekends ago I was looking forward to a long awaited girls night out with my "Fort Worth Girls". We've committed to attempting monthly get-togethers despite our varied and busy schedules. In October we met in Arlington for Thai food. Our November plan was dinner in Dallas at Matt's. Mexican food, my favorite!

Saturday evening Jeff was going to hang out with the Thomas family while on Daddy duty. He left before I did and planned to have a pizza dinner and put B down at their house to watch a movie with Rob and Haley. I was happy that he wasn't going to be hanging out by himself all night.

I decided to take my few minutes of alone time to change out of my oversized t-shirt, put on some make up and even straighten my hair! As if that were not amazing enough, I was ready to go a few minutes before I needed to leave. Unprecedented!

I sat down to do a little embroidery in my spare time and when I looked up I was late. Gah! I am the just the worst when it comes time management...I have no concept of how much time is passing. One more reason I need Jeff around.

My girls weren't terribly surprised when I called to warn them I'd be 20 minutes late. They've known me a long, long time.

You can't imagine my surprise when I walked out to the patio and was greeted by cheers, camera flashes and a table full of people.

My sweet friends organized a surprise baby shower for Baby Dos! Jeff was there, along with the girls' husbands, the Penuels and the Thomases (pizza and a movie, my foot!).

It was a perfect evening - eating lots of queso and enchiladas and visiting with some of my favorite people. And then we got gifts! Everyone brought books for the baby...so many great stories from old favorites like Ferdinand and Dr. Seuss's All About Me to great new books like Rainbow Rob. I just love growing our library!

Expecting a typical dinner with friends I did not bring a camera and I'm still waiting on the camera woman to send me some pictures (hint, hint, Tricia). Kristen pulled out her little camera just as we were leaving to get the above shot.

Thank you dear friends for putting together a fun night to celebrate Baby Dos! I feel very cared for and I love you all so much!


Anonymous said...

awwwwwwww! how fun!

look at your darling, pointy belly. i LOVE IT! i remember you being equally cute when you were pregnant with b.

so, so happy for you!!!


Tricia Welch said...

It was so much fun getting to surprise such a special mommy! And, I have proof that I DID send you those pics...November 19 to be exact! It seems that either the www has failed us or that baby dos has caused you to lose a few brain cells :) Love you!

Johnson Family said...

What a fun surprise. Enjoy these last few days/weeks! Can't wait to hear the news on the gender. :-)

Please tell Cassie and Kristen hi for me!