Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Bit Discouraged

Well things were moving along quite nicely for a little while but it seems that labor has stalled again.

At the hospital I was checked and it seems that my water hasn't broken or I possibly just have a slow leak so I was allowed to go home after being monitored for a while. This is actually good news to some extent as I wanted to labor at home where I am comfortable as long as possible. Also, if my water had broken there would be a countdown clock running that says if labor doesn't start in ernest in x number of hours I would have to be induced...which I do not desire.

We were also told that I am dilated to 3 cm. So progress is being made!

From about 3 am to 8 I was having good (read: painful) contractions between five and nine minutes apart. We returned home after making the walk of shame out of L&D (pregnant women are supposed to be walking IN and not OUT) and tried to rest. The pattern kept up for a little while but then the pains started to weaken and slow down. I've probably had only two or three contractions in the last hour.

The upside is that Jeff and I got some rest after a sleepless night.

So, we are off to run some errands and see if walking around some will get things moving again. My fridge is nearly empty so maybe walking the aisles of Market Street is the ticket to labor land!

More news to come. Hopefully soon...


Tricia Welch said...

Come on out, baby! The weather is great! We can't wait to meet you! Stacey, we'll be praying for a speedy labor and delivery from this point out! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Love that your keeping your blog updated during all this. I will pray that things start progressing more quickly and that you're able to stay home as long as possible. Love you!

Anonymous said...

That baby IS coming! It's just a matter of time. Hang in there!!!

I've made that "walk of shame", too. Lots of women have! Don't think twice about it.

So excited that you've made some progress...


marc and trisha said...

So excited to meet this baby. We are praying for you. Keep us posted.


Johnson Family said...

Praying for you!!

S, J, B, & S said...

Soooooooooooo exciting!!!! I hope things are moving along by now ... I can't wait to hear news about your sweet new baby! Praying for a smooth delivery and a healthy little one!!!
p.s. I think girl?

Anonymous said...

I read this post this afternoon right before I took a nap. So of course I dreamed about you: You called me from the grocery store to ask what kind of fruit you could eat to speed up your labor. I had no answer for you but it was a funny dream.

Praying for you tonight.


marc and trisha said...

MIA woke several times during the night because she is so excited about meeting her new friend. Hope things are going good.