Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Tale Of Two Trees

We have been enjoying them for a while but now it is time for you to meet our Christmas trees.

We took Bennett's little Charlie Brown-ish tree and created our "Touch Tree":

It didn't take him long to get in the spirit of the touch tree.

And it didn't take me long to learn that the plastic ball ornaments are, in fact, breakable. Especially when used as baseballs.

And, my pride and joy, our "No Touch" tree:

I'm not going to tell you how many lights are on there. Or how many hours my eight and a half month pregnant rear end spent crawling around under and behind that thing to get them all on.

Jeff and I enjoyed a quiet evening with some hot chocolate and a couple of our favorite seasonal movies and trimmed our tree. It is quite possibly the last year for a long time that we will maintain our adult-only decorating tradition. And that is okay. But I treasure those times we've shared each year.

As for this year, a tree we didn't cut ourselves, a half a zillion lights, ornaments from each of the vacations Jeff and I have taken together and some sentimental ones from my childhood make a little corner of Christmas joy for me.


Anonymous said...

The touch tree is such a great idea! I wish we had known about that one. We opted to do one small artificial tree this year...I just couldn't bring myself to add sweeping up pine needles to my "to do" list every day! And, as always, your "pride and joy" tree is beautiful!

Lucy said...

oh so lovely. I think our only tree this year will be the size of B's "touch tree." I am very impressed with you doing the whole she-bang... 8.5 months pregnant and all.

Jill Garcia (Smith) said...

WOW! Both threes look great, but especially the "no-touch" tree! I must admit, I am very amazed that you helped as much as you did with the big tree! I chose to just supervise and enjoyed putting ornaments up once Aaron had the tree all figured out. Looks amazing!!!