Monday, December 22, 2008

S"Aunt"a Claus!

While Bennett and I were in Fort Worth last week, Tricia and Elliott came to my mom's house to play. Imagine our surprise when SANTA (aka Aunt Lisa who for some strange reason had a Santa suit at her house) showed up at the door!

The boys were both a little intimidated.

But they warmed up a bit when offered cookies. Bennett was just friendly enough to run by and grab his treat.

But Elliott was brave enough to give the big man high-fives. (So cute!)

We weren't quite successful at getting B to sit on Santa's lap.

Santa and I hit it off just fine and I think I'm going to get just exactly what I want for Christmas this year.

Thanks Aunt Lisa for scaring the babies and giving us some great memories and funny pictures! And thank you Mom for playing photographer. We love you!


Tricia Welch said...

Ha! Catchy title...I love it! It was a lot of fun. Thank you for letting us share the memories with you! And, thanks to Claus for being such a great sport!

Anonymous said...

Ho Ho Ho I can guarantee you will get exactly what you want. I can't promise it by Christmas though.

I'm so glad that I was able to stop by. Those boys are so cute.