Saturday, December 20, 2008

Because She Told Me To

Tricia recently posted some pictures of and stories behind their Christmas ornaments and "tagged" me to do the same.

Apparently blogger etiquette says one absolutely must do what one has been tagged to do. So the other day instead of doing laundry or cleaning the stove during Bennett's nap I took pictures of our tree and ornaments. Until my camera battery died and I had to find another way to avoid my to-do list.

I have a lot of "favorite" ornaments for various reasons. Here are a few that I love.

Jeff and I decided to begin purchasing ornaments (or sometimes other Christmas decor) from each place we visit on vacation. It makes more sense to us than buying spoons or shot glasses or thimbles. And we enjoy talking about our travels as we decorate our tree each year.

The above ornament we purchased on our honeymoon to St. Croix. It think it is just beautiful. We have nothing but fabulous memories of our relaxing, gorgeous, adventurous honeymoon vacation and we hope to return to St. Croix some day.

This is another that is so precious to me. It is a nativity scene cross-stiched by my mom in 1983. My sweet mom hand made an ornament for each of her children every Christmas. As we got older they often had to do with hobbies or memories from the year (a piano from when I began lessons, a painted sand dollar the year we went to the beach, etc.).

I loved that each of us had our very own oranments to add to our family tree each year growing up. And it was great to leave home with Christmas decor that had special meaning instead of having to start my first tree only with fresh store-bought ornaments.

This pretty little church was given to Jeff and I Christmas 2003 to commemorate the year we were married. Nevermind that we didn't get married in a still makes me happy to look at it and think of our first Chritmas as newlyweds.

This is another one from my childhood, "Baby's First Christmas 1980". Each year as a kid I would get this out and try to find a very special place for it on our tree. I've just always loved it. I think it was given by my Mawmaw and Papa. Not sure you remember, Mom?

This cute three-legged moose is from a ski trip to Durango that Jeff and I took with our friends Randy and Megan in 2004. We love traveling with the Evans family.

Despite the fact that I was experiencing some sort of strange sudden-onset, all-over arthritis at the time and wasn't able to ski, we had a fabulous time with our friends. We all had fun eating, shopping and playing games together. I enjoyed a relaxing few days of reading by the fire at our B&B and did manage to get out for an easy half day on the slopes at the end of the week.

This is right about where my camera pooped out on me. I have other much-loved ornaments. One from Bennett's first Christmas, others made by my mom, a santa panda given to me by my grandparents and a framed picture of Jeff and I at Disney World would make the list.

Now I'm really feeling like I should start a collection of ornaments for Bennett and Baby Dos to have when they are grown. I wish I could say I'd lovingly fashion one with my own hands each year...but I'm afraid that is just a recipe for failure. Maybe someone more talented could continue that sweet tradition for my children (or her grandchildren...hint, hint).

I hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful week of Christmas! It's such a wonderful time of year!

1 comment:

Laura said...

My parents have that exact same baby's first christmas ornament from 1980 on their tree. I was over at their house earlier in the week, looking at the tree and remembering the memories associated with different ornaments of my childhood, and I told her that it has always been my favorite. So neat!