Tuesday, August 26, 2008

He's Got Skills

Nunchuck skills...bow hunting skills skills...fork skills.

Meals are taking a bit longer, but he's shown a lot of patience and persistence in figuring out how to feed himself like a big boy. We're so proud.

He's also been working on his "jumping" skills. It's pretty darn funny so I'll have to try to catch it on video for ya.


Chrys and Mike said...

the boy has some skillz!

we loved having y'all over today! thank you!


Lydia said...

Is that a green IKEA plate I spy? I got those and little bowls for our neighbor girl next door when she started eating solids that didn't come out of a jar. Now she knows exactly which drawer they're in, she pulls out a bowl, and asks me to fill it will animal crackers. That girl has me trained!