Friday, August 22, 2008

He Speaks!

If there is one thing I can say with certainty about my son it is that he has never been in a hurry.

He was in no rush to be born, apparently quite content to stay in that cozy home inside of me until his eviction notice was served. Even after some medical coaxing he managed to take a good two and half days to appear.

He wasn't particularly interested in our efforts to get him to crawl or walk. He took his sweet time, getting from place to place in his own creative ways (anyone remember the wounded soldier?). Then at fourteen months he decided he was finished with that baby stuff, stood up and took off on his own two feet.

The child has also not shown much inclination for talking. I guess he hasn't seen the need for traditional communication as he has managed to let us know the desires of his heart fairly clearly without the use of actual words.

Oh, sure, for a few months he's had maybe five words that he uses from time to time - mommy, dada, no, yeah, bye-bye. All those exciting first words. But that is where it ended. Any attempt to get him to try a new word ("say ball!") has been rewarded with nothing but silent stares.

Until last week. Suddenly my dear child has decided to speak. And since this blog is where I'm keeping track of such monumental events in our lives, I'm going to make a list.

Words he uses unprompted:
nah - his version of no
yeah - yes (but more likely to respond "yes" with one vigorous nod and no words)
bah-bah - bye bye
hot - said in a whispered voice, "haaaaht"
WING! - swing, always uttered with much enthusiasm
oww - out or outside

Words he uses when prompted (that are usually decipherable):
beez - please
beez - cheese (as in, "smile and say cheese for the camera")
moooooe - more, said in a deep, drawn out voice
cuewee - excuse me
bah - ball
boo - book

Okay, so those lists aren't very long at all. Not much to get excited about for a seventeen month old probably.

I think what excites us the most is he is finally striving to repeat words we say. We're throwing out new words constantly and working on names of family and friends. Often his first attempt or two (or three) sound nothing like what we are saying but he listens carefully and makes improvements each time.

Until he gets bored with our games and out comes the silent stare.

We're getting there!


Lydia said...

Hey, every little bit is a big step! How exciting!

Caryn said...

I just posted a very similar post about Wyatt, I think our boys are on the same talking track. I figure, good things come to those who wait