Friday, August 29, 2008

Hello In There!

I have not been doing a good job of blogging about all things pregnancy related and I fear that Baby Dos is already getting "second child" treatment and getting less attention than deserved. Poor thing has only been blogged about three times so far. For the record, Dos, I apologize! I love you and I'll do better!

But now I have pictures and if I have pictures you know I have to share! So here is our cutie-patootie Baby Dos! (That is "dos" as in uno, dos, tres...not the plural form of do or some misspelling of dose or does. Ok? Ok.)

The pictures above are two profile shots of baby's head and upper torso. The head is on the right side of the photo, facing up. In the second picture you can see Dos sucking his or her thumb. Precious!

Baby and mama are both doing well. I don't have any recent "belly shots" but just trust me...there is definitely a belly. Dos is growing just right on schedule and looking great! All body parts are present and accounted for.

Yes, even those body parts that would tell us boy or girl have been checked out by the doctor, but we looked away for that part. It's called willpower, people! Or maybe it's called being a little bit crazy. You pick.

Unfortunately for this mama the "morning" sickness (oh what a funny joke that phrase is...must have been coined by a man) hasn't completely let up yet. I feel fine most of the time but every once in a while I feel, well, not fine. But it is manageable these days so I'm not going to complain.

Dos is a mover and a shaker so far. I feel jumps and rolls and kicks all hours of the day and especially at night when I lay down. I just LOVE to feel that sweet baby moving around inside of me. It is such a sweet reminder of the gift we have been given.

I've asked Jeff if he has ever felt like he's missing out on something by not ever being able to carry a child. I was surprised how quickly and assuredly he answered "no". Maybe it has something to do with having witnessed the puking, the waddling, the middle of the night leg cramps or even the 56 hour labor that would cause him to say such a thing. But, believe it or not, I think I am the lucky one!

Truly, I feel so very blessed to get to be such an intimate part of the miracle of life. I am daily amazed at how God designed my body to be able to function as a safe home for this tiny life to grow and thrive. It is incredible to witness all the changes that take place from day to day as the primary function of my being has transitioned from keeping myself alive to nurturing a child as it develops from two tiny cells to a full-term infant prepared to enter the world.


Thank you, God for allowing me to participate in this beautiful, mysterious process. It is a challenge and joy.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.

You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.

You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.

Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.

Psalm 139:13-16 (NLT)


Tricia Welch said...

Oh! Those are precious sono pics! I really do think the profile pic looks a little familiar....maybe a little like big brother?? Sweet post...and I'm glad to see that you're giving Dos some attention finally!

emk said...

Hey Parkers!! I love reading your tales of life but don't do it regularly because I don't have it linked from ours and have to go through a couple of other blogs (stalking) to get to it. Would it be okay if I added a link to our blog? I want to be in the loop for your witty words!!

Chrys and Mike said...

soooooooooooooo sweet. so excited for you. he/she is beautiful!!


S, J, B, & S said...

Precious, precious baby! Love the pics! You have such willpower! I'm going out on a limb and guessing girl, but what do I know?!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I get to leave a comment! :-)

Great U/S pics .. a beautiful classic profile shot - love it! Kudos to you having self-control in not finding out! :-) Sorry you're still having some m/s - that is NO fun!!!

Stacey said...

Amen and Amen! There is nothing as special as feeling God's creation moving around inside of you! Also, that is my favorite verse--wow, it is marvelous. Now, I can't wait to meet Baby and hold this little one.
Love you, Mom