Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Family Christmas: The Main Event

So I know that I'm quite late in posting about Christmas, but we've been away from home enjoying time with family for most of the past couple of weeks and I've just gotten around to uploading our pictures. "Better late than never" is kind of a personal motto. So without further ado, an illustrated recap...

Bennett had a busy first Christmas. He started the morning by waking up bright and early to check out what Santa left. It was a modest amount of loot but he seemed impressed nonetheless.

Then we got dressed and took off for Aunt Jen and Uncle Rick's house in Forney where Bennett helped cousins Haley and Dylan play with their gifts.

From there we all headed to Nanny and Papa's. Bennett sat in the yard with his mom and Aunt Jen to watch Uncle Rick, Dad, Haley and Dylan play "football" or something slightly akin to the game we know as football. Its only similarities were that they did use a football and there was much running around and tackling. Bennett was very intrigued.

After football was Christmas dinner. Bennett loved the stuffing, cranberries and green bean casserole. Nanny does dinner up right. Yum!

After a good afternoon nap, Bennett finally got to what he had been waiting for: gifts! Tearing paper is loads of fun.

This snowglobe from Nanny and Papa was the hit of the night. Bennett was completely enthralled with its music, lights and blowing snow. It probably entertained him for about 30 minutes straight. Whenever it would stop he would look up at one of us and grunt until we pushed the button to make it play again. So cute!

Bennett was a trooper throughout the busy day and he crashed hard as soon as the last gift was opened. Jeff and I played games with Rick and Jennifer after the kiddo was in bed. The guys totally kicked our tails at Battle of the Sexes but I got a little taste of victory when Jeff and I won Family Feud. All in all it was a great day. We enjoyed spending Christmas with the Parker clan.

The next day Jeff and I rushed to take down out tree. I usually like to keep the tree up until New Years but this was quite possibly the driest, most pathetic looking Christmas tree ever. It needed to be put out of it's misery. We might have gotten the tree out of the house with half its needles still attached. Maybe.

We hope you all enjoyed a restful, happy Christmas with those who are dear to you. More to come!

1 comment:

Tricia Welch said...

Sounds like you guys had a great Christmas! Funny...we took our tree down yesterday for the same reason. It, too, left a mountain of pine needles on the floor & I thought to myself "Stacey would take a picture of this"...and I would have if our camera battery hadn't been dead. I know you too well. Keep checking in on soon as I can find the time I will be blogging!