Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sick Day

Last week our house was hit with the crud from all directions. On the same morning that Jeff was floored by a nasty stomach bug Bennett woke up congested and running a fever. I spent the day caring for my sick boys and attempting to not cross-contaminate.

Although I felt terrible for my sad, listless little boy it was kind of nice to be able to spend the day snuggling with him. He is so active these days he rarely finds time to cuddle any more.

Somehow I managed to escape the week without being brought down from either side. I credit years of working at the homeless shelter for my hearty immune system. I hope it holds up...I hear that mommies don't get sick days.

Jeff was significantly better within 24 hours and as good as new by Saturday. Bennett took some extra long naps for a couple of days and by Saturday was back to his squirmy, cheerful self.


Tricia Welch said...

Those pics are so precious! He looks like an itty bitty baby in the first one, and such a great big boy in the last. I can't wait to hang out on wednesday!

The Penuels said...

Yea! My favorite "Bennett" smile :)