Friday, February 6, 2009

Yee-Haw, Y'all

A couple weeks ago Jeff and I took the kids to Fort Worth to participate in the fabulous Cowtown tradition that is the annual Stock Show and Rodeo.

Still figuring out this parenting of two under two and wanting to be prepared, I packed our car with more stuff for a day trip to the other side of the Metroplex than Jeff and I took on a month long trip to Europe. I'm not kidding.

Armed to the teeth with diapers, wipes, snacks, books, sippy cups and extra clothes, we picked up Gran and headed out with a four week old baby and a 22 month old that had only napped for 20 minutes. Some might call us crazy, but I prefer "optimistic".

My optimism was nearly shattered and I feared our outing was destined to failure when not two minutes after we arrived Bennett was terrified by a cow walking by and had a total melt down.

For those who might not be familiar, stock show = lots of cows. And bulls and horses and other large, stinky animals.

But he recovered quickly was soon mooing loudly in greeting to each and every bovine. He enjoyed the animals but did not so much enjoy riding in the stroller. So Jeff got quite a workout carrying and chasing the child all day.

I carried Dayton in a Moby Wrap which was quite comfortable except for the fact that it was 80 degrees outside and we both got hot quickly. I had a nice Dayton-shaped sweat print on my chest in no time. She started out the day dolled up in jeans and even tiny boots but soon was stripped down to just her onesie to stave off heat stroke.

I am sad we didn't get a picture or two of Little Miss in her cowgirl get-up. She was pretty cute. You'll just have to take my word on that.

Here are a few pictures from our Cowtown adventure.

Gran found this red hat at her house. It was a little small, but we made it work.

Bennett's initial reaction to the cows.

"Keep those things away from me!"

View from the rodeo floor.

This rooster was totally giving me a dirty look. I think he wanted to peck my eyes out.

Stopping for a snack break. Bennett was not fooled when I offered him raisins and animal crackers but had a piping hot funnel cake for myself.

Hey there, cowgirl!

B also preferred Daddy's frozen strawberry limeade to his watered down juice. I think he's on to me.

Bennett loved the bubble station.

Notice the bucket of incredible grimy bubble solution and the way my child places the bubble wand directly on his lips. Yucky!

The Fort Worth Stock Show usually equals cold, rainy (or icy) weather. But we lucked out with a gorgeous day.

Petting goats in the kids area.

A helpful, informational sign outside the petting zoo.


I thought this furry guy was pretty cute.

But underbite llama was my favorite by far.

Our lone ranger, headed back to the car.

And finally, one tired little cowboy, rubbing ecoli and who knows what else into his eyes.


Tricia Welch said...

Such fun! We totally missed the petting zoo...I knew it was there somewhere! I love all the pics...especially the last one of tired B.

Unknown said...

So much fun! :-) LOL hope B got a little bite of funnel cake ... that's too good to not share. ;-)

You are looking fab, btw!!! :-D

Haley said...

looks like a ton of fun. Proud of ya'll for going. Sweet B.