Monday, February 2, 2009

Out and About

I was worried that having a baby in the middle of winter would mean I couldn't (or rather, shouldn't) leave the house for a month or two. Chilly weather, wind, cold/flu/RSV season are not fun things for an infant.

Fortunately, we live in Texas! Dayton was not but six days old before we were able to enjoy a lovely Saturday morning by taking a walk to the park. Nanny and cousin Haley were in town to help us out. Bennett wore Haley out before we even got there by using one of his new words - run! - over and over as she pushed his stroller.

Dayton enjoyed her ride in the sling. This girl is a snuggle bug for sure and is pretty much a happy camper if she is being held. As long as the holder is walking, bouncing or swaying that is.

I sat on a bench, chatted with my dear mother in law and made goo-goo eyes at my baby girl while Jeff entertained Bennett and Haley by chasing them up and down the play equipment, helping them across monkey bars and pushing them on the swings.

Bennett now wants to ride on the big swings and does a great job of holding on like a big boy. The only problem is he has a bad habit of not notifying us when he decides he is finished with the ride. He simply disembarks mid-swing. This tends to leave us with a crying toddler who is confused as to why he ended up face down in the dirt. Sweet boy just doesn't quite understand his limits.

I might have pushed myself a bit much for a woman that had birthed a nine pound baby less than a week before, but I enjoyed getting out and about. The residual soreness was totally worth it.

I think all the excitement wore Dayton out too. Could she be any cuter?

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