Monday, February 2, 2009

Sweet Pictures

While my mom stayed with us after Dayton's birth we attempted a little home photo shoot. I really need to spend some more time with my camera manual, I still have a LOT to learn. I'll get to that some day...

But until then we do the best with what we have. When you have such sweet subjects it is hard not to get a couple of cute shots.

(It's kind of driving me crazy that I haven't gotten a chance to edit these at all. I'm sure if I spent some quality time with Photoshop we'd have some really great ones. But at this point I'm just happy to have gotten them onto the computer. I must pace myself.)

In order to get a couple that I'm somewhat happy with, we got a lot of these:

I actually like this last one. She's pretty adorable even while throwing a fit, don't you think?

p.s. Can anyone tell me why I have to manually shrink each picture so much in Blogger for them to show up without being cut in half? And why my pictures are not being imported in order? How can I change my layout to allow larger pictures? Are there other (better/easier) ways to format my posts besides doing it through Blogger? It seems there has got to be a better way...this is taking me forever!


Caryn said...

Those are great!! The baby feet are ALWAYS a favorite of mine and hers are pretty precious :)

Angie Underwood said...

Beautiful pics Stacey!
I use the HTML coding from Dropshots to put pics in my blog.