Friday, April 17, 2009

Rainy Day

Bennett has finally had a chance to use his birthday gift of umbrella, galoshes and raincoat for their intended purposes. He's worn the boots multiple times, including to the grocery store and a restaurant...but those days were dry and sunny. And despite the lack of rain the umbrella is already slightly bent from overuse as Bennett has chivalrously protected Dayton and me from many an indoor rain shower lately.

At breakfast Bennett heard a curious sound. After learning "dat noise" is thunder he stopped at each rumble and would exclaim "hunner!" then look at me and ask for "moe". He seemed disappointed in my answer that Mommy can't make thunder. God makes thunder.

When the storms rolled in and the rain really started coming down Bennett clutched his "um-mema" and gazed longingly out the window. (aside: it just me, or does he look about four years old here?? Where did the chubby baby legs go?)

Although the downpour was a bit on the chilly side, I just had to suit him up and send him out. And take pictures. Of course.

We checked out the rain in both the back and front yard. He was content to stand just a few steps outside the porch and listen to the drops hitting his umbrella.

After a few minutes a bolt of lightning and startling clap of thunder made me nearly jump out of my skin. It was scary and I anticipated our adventure was about to end in tears. As I stretched out my arms to receive a scared, shivering little boy, Bennett turned to me and with wide eyes and in a low voice, full of awe said "Ooohhhh. Tunner."

The abrupt ending to his rainy day outing (hello, lightening!), though, did cause much weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Here's to hoping for some warm spring showers when we can dance in the rain and puddle jump to our hearts' content with no worries of electrocution.


Tricia Welch said...

So fun! I am on the look out for a rain coat so that we can do the same! Where did you find B's? Those are great pics! And, I loved how you included all of B's words in the post.

Lucy said...

I love the photos. Bennett is so big!

Caryn said...

Oh my goodness, could he be any more precious in that rain gear - DARLING!!! I could eat him up! Great pictures.

Beck said...

Oh - I'm laughing! The weeping and gnashing of teeth has me giggling. Momma, he still has his cheeks...he doesn't quite look four...

marc and trisha said...

Too sweet! Stacey your pictures are always so good.