Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Girls

I've been in a bit of a blogging funk lately and have slacked off terribly. I'm sure it distressed my readership to no end having to wonder what incredible adventures the Parker Household might be engaging in and yet withholding from their reading pleasure. It must be akin to torture.

I kid. I know where I stand.

Anyhoo...we have been busy. Last weekend was Hideaway, the high school student ministries retreat at Pine Cove. Jeff and I have both volunteered with Student Ministries for the past four years and we really love it. Between small group, Shoreline, leader meetings and other activities with the kids our schedules stay full but we enjoy hanging with the students and getting to be a part of their lives.

Along with my fabulous co-leader Jenny I've gotten to lead the same group of girls since they started sixth grade. They are now high school sophomores and are learning to drive! Yikes! We have so much fun with them and I love "my girls" to death.

We've had a fun year already. The semester started off with Jenny, seven month pregnant, being put on bed rest for the duration of her pregnancy. Since she wouldn't be able to make any of our get togethers for a while we had the first meeting of the semester at her house.

Before our meeting I met up with some of the girls at Target to create a basket of "bed rest" goodies for Jenny. It included a couple of fun movies, note cards, fuzzy socks, a word find book, some magazines, glitter pens and snacks. It was my task to keep the shoppers focused on the task at hand ("no, I don't think she'll need that cute bag or sassy heels while hanging out on the couch") and we had a blast caring for our friend.

Last week during small group time we prepared for Hideaway. One of the highlights of the annual retreat is Flamingo Football. In this game guys and girls face off for a no-holds-barred tackle football game. Except that the boys have their ankles tied together and have to hop all over the field.

It's pretty humorous. And somewhat dangerous.

As far as the girls are concerned devising a game plan comes as a distant second to ensuring your team has cute, matching uniforms. One of my wonderfully creative girls drafted a t-shirt design for our group and we spent an entire evening making them.

Flamingo. Football. Get it??

Please forgive my grainy pictures. All of the above were taken on my phone. I carefully packed My Precious for the Hideaway Retreat, prepared to fill the memory card with dazzling photos of my girls hanging out, worshiping, eating, playing, zip-lining, dancing and goofing off.

Except that I left it on the charter bus. And didn't notice until the buses were headed back to Dallas.

I was mildly panicked, feeling somewhat dizzy and queasy until we got Jeff in touch with one of the drivers who assured him that the camera was in fact still on the bus and would be returned to us. The bus company went above and beyond the call of duty and one of the men actually brought the camera to our house about 12:30 am once the buses made their stop for the night in McKinney. Wow!

All that to say that the only picture I have from all of our fun at Hideaway is this:

I just love those girls.

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