Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Summer Fun

Friday my sweet friend Tricia and her almost-one-year-old, Elliott, came to visit from Fort Worth and we all had a great time together.

Tricia and I have been friends since middle school. I clearly remember dreaming together about growing up, getting married and having babies. We had big plans to live on the same street and for our kids to play together and for our sons and daughters to get married so we could be related. I can't believe we are already those "grown ups" (I use the term loosely because I don't feel that it describes me well) we talked about!

**so I have some pictures of Trish and I in middle school but my new scanner isn't working. Grr!**

One specific part of our junior high day-dreaming did come true. She married her sweetheart David, the guy she dated since eighth grade. All together now: "Awww!"

Back to Friday. We prepared a picnic lunch and then we headed to Celebration Park for some fun in the sun. The little ones were both thrilled as soon as we arrived at the park, in awe of the bright colors, splashing water and all the big kids running and playing. We found a shady spot to eat and then headed into the spray park. Little Elliott was a bit more brave than Bennett. He was quick to try out his brand new walking abilities and toddle right into the water.

Bennett was content to keep a slight distance and watch everyone else. He got a little wet but did not get a kick out of water spraying into his face. He was quite delighted with the playground though and wore me out running all over, up and down.

The boys ran us ragged and we went back home. They still had energy left so we let them play for a while before baths and naps. It was so fun to watch them together. Tricia and I kept telling them that they are going to have to like each other because we've been friends for sixteen years now and plan to keep it up for a long time.

Tricia's husband David took the train in from FW after work to join us for dinner. The dads played with the little ones until bedtime while Tricia and I worked up a delish meal. Glazed pork chops, roasted asparagus, grilled corn on the cob and fresh bred. Yummy!

It was such a blast to hang out with this awesome couple. We enjoyed our food, wine (well, Dr. Pepper for me), and a pleasant evening breeze on the front porch. Jeff and I say that our favorite times are spent having good conversations over nice, long dinners. And last night was no disappointment! I wish we could spend time with these dear friends more often. They are so precious to us.

Thank you so much for making the trip out to visit with us Welches. We love you!


Tricia Welch said...

Ok...now you've made me cry. I couldn't have described the day better! And, I can't believe we are all grown up either! It seems like just yesterday that we were 12 and having sleepovers!

Tricia Welch said...

One more thing...I made the pork chops again last night and, for the first time, put a whole lot less water in the pan. They were so much better! I think David must have said so about 15 times.