Saturday, July 5, 2008

15 Months and 15 Weeks

Bennett had his fifteen month pediatrician visit Wednesday. We are seeing a new pediatrician in Allen for the first time. I had planned ahead to arrive early to fill out the necessary paperwork but still ended up being a bit late as it took me thirty minutes to find the stinking office that is about three miles from our house. Once I finally arrived in the correct building of the right medical facility I found the staff and the pediatrician to be very patient, friendly and willing to answer all my questions. I think we've found a keeper! Dr. C said my B Boy is "perfect". I happen to agree!

He also stated multiple times that Bennett seems to be a very "busy" boy. My child was intent on exploring every corner of the office - swinging the hinged trash can cover, pushing the doctor's stool around, climbing on chairs, opening the door and whining to be lifted up so he could play with the light switch.

Stats for those who might be interested are as follows:
hight - 33.5 in (95%)
weight - 27.2 lbs (80%)
head - 19 in (77%)

Two shots were administered about an hour after nap time should have started (great planning on Mom's part) and the little one was less than thrilled. When he's tired even the smallest injustice is enough to cause a meltdown so the shots were enough to bring about quite a sad display. He settled down by the time we paid and even enjoyed checking out the waterfall, flowers and rocks outside the office. With a little Motrin and long nap he should be good as new.

We also had an appointment to check in on Baby Dos this week. It was one of the "quick" prenatal visits where you spend more time in the waiting room than in the exam room. Everything seems to be going well! Baby's heartbeat was going strong at 157 beats per minute and my blood pressure was great.

I've lost a couple more pounds (down a total of five or so) which was a surprise to me since my belly is definitely growing and I'm not puking nearly as much as I did with Bennett. I guess this time the nausea is still enough to keep me from eating quite like I should. Dr. H didn't seem concerned at all and I'm sure I'll be on my way back up by next month. My energy level has increased a lot over the past couple of weeks so if my tummy would settle down I should be back to normal. I look forward to that!

Our next visit is July 31 and we get to see our little one! I'm so excited! At that appointment we will be able to find out the sex if we want. We're still saying we're going to wait, but I have to admit I'm more tempted to find out than I was with the first pregnancy. I have much fewer preparations to make for this one as we already have everything we need and the nursery is ready to go so knowing the sex won't make a big difference in my shopping list. But for some reason I'm just so curious!

Don't get your hopes up though. We'll more than likely stay strong and wait for the delivery room announcement.


Tricia Welch said...

Cute post! You know there wouldn't be any complaining coming from me if you decided to get a sneak peak at baby numero dos's nether regions! BTW, your abs look tighter than mine...and I'm not 4 months pregnant!

S, J, B, & S said...

Where have I been?! I missed the pregnancy announcement! Congrats!!! You look so tiny! I look more pregnant than you do and I'm 5 weeks behind you!!

Anonymous said...

Just gotta comment on how cute your belly is! :-) BTW ... my non-preggo belly is bigger than your preggo belly - *sigh* - LOL! :-)

I'm eager to see if you end up finding out what the gender is! :-)

Desi Brown said...

I agree with the other gals your baby tummy at 15 weeks is so much tinier than mine ever was. Hope you are enjoying the honeymoon trimester!