Sunday, July 6, 2008

Independence Day

We spent most of the 4th of July at home being supremely lazy.

How lazy?

Let's just say that no one was dressed before noon and we each managed to squeeze more than one nap into our schedule. It was glorious.

Around four I decided we absolutely must do something festive. We missed our community's Fourth celebration since it took place last weekend (and really, who was prepared for that kind of crazy scheduling?) so we made the short drive to McKinney for Red, White and BOOM.

There was a lot going on at Craig Ranch. Musical performances, concessions of all variety of artery-clogging delightfulness, pony rides, face painting, potato-sack races and inflatable games were a few of the attractions.

We were not to be deterred by the menacing skies.

So we strolled around, listening to the music and letting Bennett jump, pet and run free to his little heart's conent. At about the third announcement of impending doom imminent bad weather we decided to head back to take cover in the car and hope the storm passed quickly.

We took our over-priced corn dog and Dippin' Dots to the car to wait. And wait. And wait some more for the storm that never came. I'm happy we didn't leave because there was more fun to be had. Big slides! Rearranging cones in the race area! Cheering for every child in the sack races! Checking out police motorcycles!

It was a busy evening. It would have been fun to stay for the fireworks but I just don't think B Boy would have made it to 9:30 without protest. We stopped for a Slurpee on the way home, a decent substitute for the snow cones we were craving since "our" snow cone stand was closed.

With the little one snoozing away in bed we were able to see three or four fireworks displays from right out in front of our house. It was lovely!

I hope you all enjoyed a fantastic Fourth and remember to thank God for all the freedoms we have!


Tricia Welch said...

Cute pics! I'm happy to hear that your 4th was festive...and that you're getting some much needed rest!

Johnson Family said...

Bennett has the funniest faces! I love that first picture of the three of you. And I am so glad that you are having an easier pregnancy. You look fabulous by the way!! Oh and the three of us will be in Dallas in a month. I'd LOVE to see you and meet little Bennett. We'll be in Plano. Where are you?