Monday, July 21, 2008

Refrigerator Woes

I spent my morning hanging out at home waiting for the refrigerator repair man.


This is the fourth "service visit" in two months. And we have another one coming soon because he had to order a new part before this repair could be completed.

So it's looking like we'll be living it up camp-site style by keeping our meager rations chilled in a large Igloo cooler for a few more days. If anyone is counting that will be a full week of no fridge by the time it gets fixed. Sweet.

Jeff and I feel quite confident that we deserve a replacement refrigerator. This one was bought new at the Sears Outlet just seven short months ago. For the past two months it has performed adequately a little more than half the time.

After multiple calls to customer service, the replacement department, and the outlet store itself we were finally able to talk to the person who allegedly could make the decision to give us a new fridge.

Jeff had an enlightening conversation with the store manager who said that as long as the appliance is repairable they will not replace it. The person who makes this decision is the technician (aka the repair man). Mr. Manager soon followed with the statement that "if the technician says he isn't able to repair it then he is lying".


So we have a little pattern that goes something like this: repair, cold fridge for a week or two, warm fridge, spoiled food, call for a repair, wait a week, repair again. And we can repeat this indefinitely!

That's pretty much Mr. Manager's plan. Too bad that doesn't work for us.

Now Jeff and I are very easy going, go-with-the-flow people. We don't like to cause trouble. But it looks like we're gonna' have to throw a fit to get what we deserve. I just hate that.

Why can't they see that they sold us a lemon and the right thing to do is exchange it for an appliance that will work for longer than a few months?

Any advice for getting our way while being nice? Or is it time to take off the gloves?


Chrys and Mike said...

show him pictures of your poor, desperate son who is being forced to eat green crayons b/c all the food in your house has spoiled due to their defective product.



Stacey said...

Good thinking Chrys! I'll add that to the pity file along with "hungry pregnant mommy".

Anonymous said...

If it continues, you could contact the Better Business Bureau and tell them to possibly move them along.