Friday, November 6, 2009


I've decided that everyone is a snobby about something. For some it is new cars or healthy living or their lawn and garden (Lord help us if any of our neighbors are such, they will never be able to look past our pathetic, patchy "lawn" and see the responsible, loving people we truly are.)

Some people are food snobs,or "foodies" as they like to be known. People with such enlightened pallets appreciate the subtle flavor differences between Mediterranean goat cheese and domestic goat cheese and can tell you which sub-province of Italy grows the best olives. These food connoisseurs would never deign to consume such rubbish as canned soup or processed cheese. I, however, think a hot bowl of creamy Cambell's tomato soup (made with milk, not water) and a Velveeta sandwich grilled to a beautiful, buttery golden brown sounds delightfully comforting and delicious. So I don't think I fit the foodie profile.*

Other folks are always up on the latest clothing trends. I would tell you what they are wearing this season, but I can't keep up. Trend snobs can be heard saying such things as "that is so 2006" and can spot an inappropriately tied scarf a mile away. Unfortunately for my poor, repressed inner fashionista, if I can't corral my children in a shopping cart and/or pick up a gallon of milk in your store, I'm unlikely to do a lot of clothes shopping there. I wish I were more fashionable, I do! And if wishing were enough to make it so then I'd be rockin' some serious skinny jeans and tall boots right now. But, alas, wishing ain't gonna cut it, and I can't manage to care enough to devote the time and money required to overhaul my closet.**

When it comes to clothing and accessory brands I don't care in the slightest. I cannot think of a single reason a Gucci or Prada bag would be better than my purse from Target's clearance rack (I luv me some Mossimo). I mean, my purse is used to carry a wallet, lip gloss, keys, and maybe a box of raisins and an emergency matchbox car. If my bag is making a fashion statement it is saying "here comes a mommy". But it doesn't need to say anything because the peanut butter smear on my tshirt, baby on my hip and toddler streaking four aisles ahead of me as I (calmly) holler "stay! with! mommy!" already have that statement covered. Besides, next year this bag is going to be too big/small/structured/slouchy/colorful/bland/whathaveyou and SO out of style so I see no reason to spend more than $18 if I can avoid it.

(Ok, I admit, some designer bags are pretty cool or at least interesting...but for that amount of cash it should come packaged with a bar of gold and magically clean itself when my toddler's sippy cup leaks orange juice.)

So, everybody has their "thing". It is so easy to be all self-righteous and poo poo on someone else's "thing". I mean, how shallow! What a waste of money! And there are so many more important things in life. Right?

Well, I think I've discovered my "thing". Toys. Not grown up toys like cars or TVs or computers. But baby and kids toys.

It's like, suddenly I have all these opinions! I find myself inwardly rolling my eyes in disgust when passing certain plastic-filled toy aisles. Where did this fervor come from? And why am I so inexorably drawn to the playthings that are more expensive? That's not me! I love a deal! Does it matter anyway? Is this born out of a desire for my children's best interest? Or because I don't like all the flashing lights and high-pitched nursery tunes?

I will try to answer these questions and more. Tomorrow. Because I'm growing bored with myself and all the rambling.

I'm sure you will be on pins and needles. Until then, I'm so curious...what are you a snob about?? Please share!

*Although I am no foodie, as previously mentioned, I may be on the verge of having some food be discussed in a future post. I'm working on it.

** In all honesty my closet is in dire need of an overhaul so I can dress like the grown up mom person I'm supposed to be. I'm trying to mature my wardrobe but it's going to have to happen verrrrry slllloooowwwly. Any advice/help/personal shopper services/donations to the cause are welcome!


Caryn said...

I'm on pins and needles!! :) and loved your description of me at target - spot on!!

Lydia said...

I'm a snob about baby food. When my mom said, "Caleb seemed hungry so I found a jar of baby food in your cabinet and fed it to him" I didn't take it very well. Not only was my child on to table foods, but he had never had jarred baby food.

Now as I pop open a can of green beans, I think to myself, "Hm...this probably isn't any better than the jarred stuff of his baby food days." Meh...oh, well.

Laura said...

Bryce and I are snobs about music. We definitely feel we have better taste than most people and were certain we could pass it on to Jack at birth. We put a lot of thought into making a playlist of grown up songs we thought he would like and bought quite a few kids CDs by very respected jazz artists to play for him.
Then one day without thinking, I turned on the music along with the vibrate in the baby pod he hangs out in - terrible high pitched ringing children's "music" - and he clearly loved it. I was so disappointed in him. Now we give him every toy with awful children's music we find. In time, I'm sure, his tastes will develop.