Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sick or Treat

Our Halloween was not incredibly festive this year. Beginning Tuesday the 27th one or both of my kids were sick. We didn't pinpoint a diagnosis...there was a false positive strep test a negative (false negative?) flu test. My gut says they had the flu, but who knows?

I just know they were sick. Sad, feverish, no appetite, coughing, snotty, super-snuggly sick. Bennett got the worst of it and was out of commission for a full week. Dayton, probably because she is still nursing (liquid gold, I tell you!), was mildly affected with the same symptoms for only three days.

So, here are our kids, in their finest Halloween attire, preparing to greet the neighborhood trick-or-treaters Saturday evening:

Pretty pathetic, huh? I say they were dressed up as Swine Flu Pandemic victims.

Here is Bennett's "builder" outfit, minus the hard hat, exactly as I laid it out in an attempt to persuade him to at least sit on the porch in costume. It was a no go.

Instead he sat on Daddy's lap and passively watched the neighborhood batmen (batmans?), princesses, witches and football players come by and pick up their sugary loot. Poor kid. And this was one of his better sick days. (No children were harmed in the making of this Halloween. Candy was distributed from the front step and no one allowed close enough to get germed.)

After about half an hour of passing out candy I just couldn't stand being such party poopers and decided get Dayton dressed up, sickness be darned! She hadn't run a fever all day and seemed in pretty good spirits. And it was her first Halloween, I would be so sad to not have pictures of her in the costume I made.

So I did. And here's our little baby bird. She stayed in character for a few front porch pictures and visits to greet our three closest neighbors to show off her cuteness and procure some chocolate, which she kindly shared with her mommy.

In my opinion, you just can't go wrong with a little girl in a tutu.

She was not so much a fan of Ms. Red's talking skeleton.

But she was a fan of Daddy kisses.

Baby bird flying lessons.

(My snapshots are pretty terrible because it was already dark out and I had to use the flash, which washed out her little white outfit. If you can't tell she has feathers on her tutu and on her head. There were also, at one point, feathers clipped to her shirt sleeves, but they didn't last fifteen seconds.)

Hope you all had a happy and healthy Halloween!


Tricia Welch said...

That Dayton is such a DOLL! I love her costume and I'm so glad you put her in it...too cute! I'm sorry you guys had such a bad run in but we're glad you're feeling better now.

Janna said...

ironic that your last post was on preventing flu/sickness :) See where sanitizing gets you? If it makes you feel any better, all three of us have already had the swine flu and are now immune for the rest of the season! Hope everyone is feeling better.

(this is one of Trisha's friends, in case you're wondering who this stranger is posting on your blog)