Tuesday, April 8, 2008

7 Random Things (Part 2)

Alright, I'm ready to move on to my own seven random things. Don't forget, Haley P, Shelton Family and Allan - you have all been tagged. So there!

Hello, my name is Stacey and I'm a closet tree hugger.

I'm not sporting dreads and I don't value the lives of grubs over those of human beings but I really enjoy finding ways to use fewer toxic chemicals and create less waste. I can clean most of my house with a little water, baking soda, vinegar and lemon juice. I take my own bags to the grocery store, live with the house a little warmer or colder than I would prefer, try not to waste water and diligently clean and reuse or recycle everything I can.

I would love to buy most of my food locally grown and/or organic. But, well, that's just too expensive. So I do my best.

Where "green" meets frugal...that's right where I want to live.

Growing up my family did A LOT of camping. We didn't just camp out to experience nature and bond while roasting s'mores. We camped as a means to go on trips that we otherwise couldn't have afforded. We took our tent, sleeping bags and camp stove to typical roughing-it locations such as Yellowstone, Yosemite and the Grand Canyon but also camped out on trips to Washington DC, Disney World and San Fransisco. And we loved it!

I was fully 13 or 14 years old before I realized that most people in the world stay in these fancy places with showers and air conditioning called HOTELS while on vacation. I knew what hotels were I just never spent much time thinking about who stayed in them and why.

About four years ago I was struck with sudden-onset arthritis that was excruciatingly painful and affected everything from my shoulders, wrists and hands to my hips, knees and feet. For six weeks I hobbled around like a 97 year old and had numerous doctor appointments but the pain disappeared almost as suddenly as it came on. Weird.

Ok, that's not exactly true. I don't heart math. Jeff is the numbers guy at our house. I'm awful at basic arithmetic and it takes me forever to add up my score when I do poorly at dominoes. Despite the fact that I was a passionate reader as a child and dreamed of writing a book (ha!), I ended up at math camp.

Oh yes. Math camp.

You may claim nerdiness and we could banter back and forth about who had shinier braces, larger glasses or worse fashion sense (I could give you a run for your money, I'm sure) but I hold the trump card in that I spent two weeks of each summer between 5th and 8th grade at math camp. When I was 12 I somehow earned a scholarship to an out of state program and I was shipped off to live in a dorm room in Louisiana and study geometry eight hours a day. Good times my friends. Good times.

I love pickles! When I was pregnant and constantly queasy ("morning" sickness, my foot!) sometimes the only thing that would quench my thirst without making me puke was pickle juice.

My favorite snacks is crackers with pickles and cheese. It is best with Club crackers and really sour pickles. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Yum!

I have fabulous posture. I never slouch.

I'd love to say I stand straight and tall because I just have that kind of dignity and self-discipline. But it is mostly because I have a steel rod and twelve metal hooks in my back. The hardware is a sweet souvenir from a surgery I underwent at the age of 13 to correct scoliosis.

Another bonus and interesting(?) tidbit, I grew an inch and a half during the six hour surgery. I started the day shorter than my mom and ended it taller. Cool, huh?

I'm pretty much hopeless when it comes to style and fashion.

I live in jeans and t-shirts for the following reasons:
(a) I'm pretty well stocked with free tees (yea for Student Ministries!)
(b) they're comfy
(c) I'm guaranteed to never be overdressed. I seem to have some strange phobia about being overdressed...like it looks like I tried too hard or something (as though looking like I didn't put forth any effort is better??). I admit it, I have issues.
(d) I'm lazy
(e) I think I look like a moron pretty much any time I try to be the least bit trendy. Either I look like I'm trying to be too young or too flashy or the color is wrong or I bought something that I thought I liked but it was just because it was one clearance and it turns out it looks awful on me or something! I just can't get it right.

I need help. Accepting all offers.


Anonymous said...

I'm totally with you on #2, 4, 5 and 7. Except about that morning sickness part...but sometimes pickle juice just hits the spot. And I didn't do math camp, but I did do math competitions and have the medal and trophy to prove it :)

Anonymous said...

I had no idea you were so green...what else are you not telling me? Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

So what is wrong with t's and jeans. I get my t's from Carter Blood Center. I'm comfortable and advertise you good cause at the same time. Who needs style anyway?