Thursday, July 2, 2009

Losing Patience with Impatience

Am I the only one who has trouble maintaining a cool demeanor while attempting to teach her child about patience?

I really can't complain because the two year old in our house is generally pretty even tempered and we've not seen much of the "terrible" from the "terrible twos". But lately Bennett's patience with himself can be quite short as his drive for independence pushes him to attempt to do things that are a bit beyond his skill set. It is especially challenging for me when he won't allow me to show him how or assist him in doing something a better way. No, he'd rather get mad that he can't carry all his cars at once, throw them to the ground and shriek his frustration loud enough to wake up the baby.

Bennett has also developed the charming habit of asking for the same thing over and over and over, even after I've said yes and often when I am in the process of granting his request. "I wan milk. Moe milk. Peas? Milk, Mommy. Moe milk. Milk. Mommy! Milk! MIIIIIIILK!"

More often than I'd like to admit I have to stop short of snapping, "Can't you just BE PATIENT!?!" Usually I realize how ridiculous that sounds before it jumps out of my mouth. Usually. thinks someone is trying to teach me something.

But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.
1 Timothy 1:16

The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.
Psalm 103:8

Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.
2 Timothy 4:2

Thank you, Lord for being so very patient with my impatience as I struggle against my limitations and try to accomplish what I should leave up to you. Thank you for being patient to correct, rebuke and encourage me as I learn the same lessons again and again.


Haley said...

Thanks Stacey for sharing your heart. I think this is a lesson continually learned by all parents, and definitely by me. God uses our children so that we can become more like him.

Tricia Welch said...

Great post! I never realized how often, as a parent, I would be reminded how similar my relationship with God is to Elliott's relationship with me. It really puts things into perspective! And, I think you display a tremendous amount of patience with B, even if you feel like you're not.

Anonymous said...

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