Monday, July 6, 2009

Green Day!

After way too much playing inside due to brutally hot weather I decided we needed to spice up a boring weekday by bringing back color days. Without any planning or preparation I declared at breakfast on Tuesday that it was to be Green Day. Bennett was pumped.

So I put him in a green t-shirt and made it up as we went. Here are the little ways we celebrated Green Day at our house.

Green Hunt:
A walk/ride first thing in the morning (while it was still under 100 outside) to look for green things in our neighborhood.

Green Craft:

I secretly collected the grass and leaves for the project so as to avoid teaching the two year olds to destroy plants for fun. I was pretty sure they wouldn't understand why it was okay to pull a couple of leaves off my rose bush today but wouldn't be okay tomorrow.

Green Gift:
My mom got sent some appropriately themed gifts to Bennett for future color days. Thanks for the puzzle, Gran!

Green Kitchen Helper Preparing a Green Dinner:

Hey, I know there are many (many!) healthier green options than green pancakes and applesauce...but this is what I could come up with at the last minute without requiring a trip to the store.

And although I was fairly certain I did not allow Bennett to touch the food coloring, he managed to turn himself a little green as well.

So obviously it was necessary that we end the day with a...

...Green Bath:

Check out that tan line! (And please forgive the grainy phone photos.)

We had a great time celebrating Green Day. Stay tuned for the next time I need a way to make a boring day at home seem more novel...Blue Day coming soon!


marc and trisha said...

You are so creative. I loved your activities.

Bennett and Dayton are so lucky to have you as their mom.

Jill Garcia (Smith) said...

So fun! I love getting ideas for my future with Caleb!!

Also, I absolutely LOVE the green BG diaper! I secretly want to get a couple of those for Caleb but we've already got as many as we need. They also have Orange now and I'm desperate for one of those!


Haley said...

Love the green day pics!

The Meeks said...

I LOVE your color days! What a fun way to inspire learning and beat the boredom of a hot day! Fun to see you and the kids last week!