Monday, October 19, 2009

Just Humor Me

I swear my nine month old is waving and saying "hi". Well, maybe it's "ha" or "ah" sometimes...but sure sounds like "hi" to me.

(I should take the time to trim this video but I haven't so feel free to ignore the last minute and a half where I try to cajole Dayton into saying Mama and she fusses for her sippy cup and then ignores me.)

Other adorable tricks from our baby girl lately: saying Dada, Mama, clapping and beginning to cruise. My favorite is the clapping - extremely deliberate yet totally silent and accompanied by a look of utter pride. So stinking cute! Must get that on video before she loses the enthusiasm for her new accomplishment.


Lydia said...

Hooray for the video! I can't get Caleb to do much of anything on command, but he does like to clap!

Tricia Welch said...

She is too cute...maybe she'll be your early talker!