Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why We Don't Have Pets Reason #43

#43 Because Bennett's affection can be dangerous.

I realize it has been ages and ages since I've blogged. I don't have any kind of fabulous reason. No drama or emergency has kept me from the computer. Just life...playing and swimming and cleaning and sleeping and all that.
But I really enjoy blogging and have missed it. And so I return, tuning out the little voice that tells me I've failed and I must go back to chronicle everything I've overlooked. And the one that insists come back with something particularly poignant, witty or inspirational.

Nope, I ain't got none of that today. I just have pictures of my son strangling a kittten.

Sweet Sarah Hope, one of my small group girls, agreed to babysit the kids so Jeff and I could attend a wedding. Savvy girl that she is, she endeared herself to her pint sized charge by bringing a special little plaything.

Bennett, lover of all things furry, was delighted beyond words.

I'm not fluent in kitten, but I'm pretty sure this one is saying, "SAVE ME!!"

Don't worry, I can assure you the wee cat survived the evening. And despite Sarah Hope's premier (and unreasonably optimistic) efforts to talk us into kitten adoption we sent the darling ball of fuzz back from whence it came.

Never mind that I have no intentions of adding another being to feed and clean up after to this household in the foreseeable future. My reasons were much less selfish. It was truly in the animal's best interest.

1 comment:

Tricia Welch said...

Ha ha ha! I'm sure the kitty breathed a sigh of relief when he realized he wasn't staying for good!