Monday, March 31, 2008

Still Catching Up: Easter

Can you just hear him? "Seriously, Mom, do I have to wear these silly bunny ears?"

Bennett wasn't feeling well over Easter weekend so he looks fairly pitiful in a lot of our photos. I thought he was grumpy due to a little cold and possibly some molars trying to pop through but the pediatrician discovered on Monday that the poor little guy had a double ear infection.

I feel terribly guilty for hauling him all over town for egg hunts and such when he was sick. First time mom that I am, I just thought it was cute that he kept pressing his hand to the side of his head as though he were saying "oh my!" Now I know he was trying to say "it hurts!" Next time I'll know better.

I am proud that we made it one year and three days without a sick visit to the pediatrician. The doctor was impressed as well!

Now, to the pictures. Bennett was obviously not feeling great at the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday...

...but halfheartedly obliged and "hunted" for eggs anyway. (The eggs aren't exactly hidden for the itty bitty ones...just scattered on the ground.)

Until he grew weary of collecting eggs:

After church on Sunday we visited Papa and Nanny in Forney. We ate lunch with Aunt Jen, Uncle Rick, Haley and Dylan and participated in another egg hunt.

Happy to have the ears off:

Sweet boy was quite a trooper through all the activity. We started him on antibiotics Monday, he was much better by Wednesday and good as new now. I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter celebration!

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